SIP panels KIT instalation

Trapezius panel houses placed on our website are installed by the Greitas namas team. Such a house is assembled within 2 working days. See how the installation of a panel house is...

Why PrefabHO? – Prefabricated house

The name of PrefabHo comes from different meaning of home or house. So long meaning will be prefabricated home or house. Also it was  inspired by the recent rise of the tiny house movement or "tiny house movement" around the world. It is an architectural and social movement that advocates living simply in tiny houses. There are different definitions of "tiny house". in 2018 In the International...

Garden houses

Whether you're young or old, busy or retired, there are plenty of compelling reasons why you might want to set up your own garden shed. If you are a gardener who wants to be in your garden, but in bad weather you still want to be in the garden, you need a small garden house where you can feel at peace and be together with nature and through the windows of your house, which offers a view of the garden. For...

Statybos leidimas

Construction requirements

We specialize in small cabins. The areas of which reach up to 50 - 80 m2 Building permits are not required for such buildings. A building permit is mandatory if the plot of land falls into at least one of the following territories: in the territory of a cultural heritage object, in the protection zone of a cultural heritage object, in a cultural heritage area. You can build a mobile home on such an...

Work from home

Remote work from home. How does it affect us? Do we all have a quiet corner where we can concentrate and do important work? For most people, this is a completely new experience during the Covid-19 crisis. Some like the new experience, others don't. We offer the idea of a home office in the yard, garden, forest or wherever you can think of. Siūlome pasižiūrėti į...

Kažko naujo pradžia

Paskutinį mano gyvenimo tarpsnį pavadinčiau pasivažinėjimu amerikietiškais kalneliais. Bet dabar nuo pradžių. Esu Mindaugas G. šio projekto autorius. Pastaruosius 10 metų dirbau statybų sektoriuje su didžiausiasiais obejektais "Namais" to net nepavadinsi, nes tai buvo komercinės paskirties objektai su didele inžinėrinės įrangos gvardija. O dabar startuoju su "Nameliais", kur...

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